Tuesday, June 26, 2012

On being a S.A.H.M.

So I don't know about you, but I am starting to see a pattern.  The only time I actually have time to blog is on summer break or winter break.  I think that says something about how busy a teacher's life really is.

Another summer has begun.  Yay!!  I had hoped to be earning some extra income by teaching summer school but things did not work out as planned so I get another 8 weeks of being a stay-at-home mommy.  This is my second full week of summer vacation and I am already getting restless.  Don't get me wrong; with a four year old and a one year old I am always busy, but the ways in which I am spending my days are not exactly the most exciting.  The kids are having a BLAST but I am a bit bored.

A typical schedule is beginning to look like this:

Wake up when Jillian wakes up
Change her diaper
Feed her (this is about the time Jackson bee-bops down the stairs)
Feed Jackson
Clean up
Squeeze in a cup of coffee
Begin the process of getting ready for the day which can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours - depending on how destructive Jillian is feeling that particular day.
Complete some sort of morning activity (coloring, walking around the neighborhood, playing on the church playground, story time at the book store, library, bubbles, patio fun, play dough, paint, etc.)
Lunch Time
More Clean Up
Naps (Ahhhh...the best hour of the entire day!) This is usally the time I can actually get something done like laundry, bill-paying, facebook checks, appointment calls, etc.
Prepare for afternoon activity (pack many snacks, several drinks, sun screen, bug spray, diaper bag etc.)
Park, pool, sprinkler, black top fun, or shopping
Dinner Time
More Clean Up
Bath Time
Play time downstairs aka destruction of play area (which is also our living room)
Kids go to bed
More Clean up

During all of this I feel as if I am spending the entire time picking up after them.  I know this sounds like a complaint but honestly it's not.  It is simply how it is.  Any tips from other stay-at-home mommy's on how I could make things less mundane would be welcomed!

On a side note I think I will start keeping a log of My Lessons on Being a Stay-At-Home Mom.  Here are just a few from the list I am compiling.  These are MY lessons and directed toward myself, so don't worry, I am not trying to advise you on how to be a stay-at-home mom.  If you will remember, I learned my lesson during potty-training time. I have no business thinking I know anymore than other mom's out there.

MY lessons (more to come as I continue to learn)
#1 Don't worry about rushing to the book store for story time at 10am.  Your kids aren't going to pay attention anyway. 
#2 Keep the kids out of the house- it's much less work for you and much better for the safety of the house!
#3 Don't bother to pick up the toys during nap time, they just get pulled right back out before the afternoon activity begins
#4 Don't worry about carrying your phone with you everywhere you go.  No one ever calls you until you put it down during dinner, bath, and bedtime, at which point; you will miss 2 to 3 calls and they will all leave messages griping at you for not answering your phone.  So really, don't worry about it between the hours of 8am and 5 pm.
#5 If you turn the t.v. to an educational show (like Sesame Street or Super Why) you will feel much less guilty about letting your four year old watch too much television
#6 Your toddler could care less about t.v. so you better find something else besides Big Bird to act as a baby-sitter long enough to do the dishes.  Turns out that Crayola comes in handy here, although you should be prepared to find "colorful" diapers later in the day.  
#7 Always, always, always, have plenty of goldfish, fruit snacks, or crackers on hand.
#8 There is no such thing as too much sunscreen.
#9 A little dirt in the diet never hurt anyone.
#10 The dirtier your children are the happier they will be.
#11 An extra nap in the car is totally worth the waste of gas!